A common saying, you might think. But when you actually apply it in your life it makes a whole lotta sense. My boss is Indian and he is literally the first I have interracted with so he is the one I will be formulating my prejudice from. He is loud especially when he is angry and I feel like he makes rushed, not well thought out decisions. I will be talking about today specifically because I am hurting as hell.

It is exactly 7.34PM and I am on a crowded bus headed home. I left the office at 7.00PM, walked for around 10mins to the bus stop and waited for 20 mins for all seats to be filled. I was only lucky I found it almost full. I am headed home a distance of almost 1 hr even with the drive accelerating.

At home I left my hubby with the kids because my stay-in nunny travelled home to see her sick mother. My hubby is very unwell so he expected me to get home earlier than normal so that I can help out with the kids. But I couldn’t because I had to be at the office till that late.

Despite the sacrifices one makes just to give the best, my Indian boss will never appreciate. Today particularly is not a good day for me. I got in normal time and did my morning routine: check and reply to mails, make a Social Media post then go up to the Bakery to gather content after writing a to do list. This particular day, I had been instructed to put Christmas decor in all 8 branches. However, the procurement department had not done the purchase so I had to follow up myself.

Having verified I had done everything, I accompanied my colleague to a meeting with clients to enhance my product knowledge. But it turned out to be a wrong decision which had my boss screaming at me to write a resignation letter, a statement that came after a long phonecall of heartbreaking utterances. Honestly, I was demoralised and demotivated. It made me realize how desperate I really am.

Besides that, I also realised how much it hurts to be at the mercy of someone. It took me back to the times I have shouted at my daughter when what I thought was wrong seemed right by her. At that moment I realised I didn’t even stop to think what I was doing, how much i was hurting her and how helpless she felt.

Not the turn you were expecting, but working for this guy has really taught me the power of the tone we speak with to a person not to mention the impact our words have in influencing motivation and self esteem. I vow to correct politely, not only my kids but also my employees and my juniors at work. Another day to keep grinding and learning.

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